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Compliance week – Interview with Xavier Begue, Chief Compliance Officer

"We need to protect our company and our customers, for EA to keep being a trusted and sustainable business. In this context, a robust financial crime compliance framework makes the difference."

COVID-19 : Europ Assistance et Generali apportent leur soutien au très grand centre de vaccination de Paris La Défense-Arena

À compter du 7 juin et pour 12 semaines, Europ Assistance et Generali prennent en charge 6 lignes de vaccination au sein du très grand centre de vaccination de Paris La Défense-Arena (92), géré par la Croix-Rouge française, où 10 lignes de vaccination sont déjà ouvertes depuis le 3 mai.

Europ Assistance Enhances Asia Presence with Malaysia Office

Europ Assistance today announced the opening of its Malaysian Office in Kuala Lumpur furthering its commitment to operations in the Asia region where they have operated for the past thirty years and after opening a new office in Bangkok, Thailand over a year ago.

World Cancer Day within Europ Assistance Group

Last week, in the occasion of World Cancer Day, we launched the Cancer Charter across Europ Assistance Group

Europ Assistance commits to promote awareness and support employees affected by cancer

On this World Cancer Day, Europ Assistance commits to promote awareness and prevention on cancer diseases among all its people and support the ones who are affected by cancer both during their convalescence and hopefully after the recovery. These commitments appear in a four-point Cancer Chart to be signed and endorsed by all GMC members and all regional CEOs in order to clearly show Europ Assistance position against Cancer.

Europ Assistance Group invests in Senior Care with the acquisition of PROSeniors in France

Europ Assistance announced a strategic investment in PROSeniors, leading player in the French senior care market that provides home caregiving services to elderly and disabled people.

Crédit Agricole Assurances and Europ Assistance sign a strategic partnership agreement for assistance in the French market

Crédit Agricole Assurances and Europ Assistance have signed a partnership that will result, in January 2021, in Crédit Agricole Assurances’ non-life subsidiary, Pacifica, taking a 50% stake in the capital of Europ Assistance France, the main services company that groups Europ Assistance’s expertise and resources in the French market.

Europ Assistance Group appoints new Group General Counsel and Group Chief Financial Officer

Europ Assistance today announced that it has appointed Domenica Lista, as Group General Counsel of Europ Assistance Group and Philippe Gervais as Group Chief Financial Officer. While Carmelo Reale, General Counsel, and Samir Lahlou, Group CFO, will be moving into new roles within the Generali and Europ Assistance Groups.

Care Never Stops : solidarité avec le Samusocial de Paris

Aider et porter secours aux personnes, c’est l’ADN d’Europ Assistance. La récente pandémie a mis notre savoir-faire à l’épreuve, mais elle nous a aussi offert de nouvelles opportunités de prendre soin de celles et ceux qui en ont besoin.

Care for the Community – Samu Social de Paris

Caring for others is built into our DNA. The recent pandemic has tested our strength, but it has also given us new opportunities to take care of people in need. Benjamin Ostrowka (Director of B2C and La Teleassistance, Europ Assistance France) and Émilia Robakowski (Chief Operating Officer, Generali Concierge Services) share the positive – and sometimes unexpected – effects of our people teaming up to help families across Paris.

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