Discover the latest insights into global trends in your industry with our illustrious set of annual barometers. These reports provides a yearly overview of their respective industries, noting key trends.
These insights are vital for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and consumers alike. They shed light on the evolving needs and expectations from stakeholders and customers within your industry.
Europ Assistance has been conducting annual Holiday Barometers ever year since 2001. This collection is a comprehensive study that combines survey data and objective analysis to provide insights on the vacation preferences and trends of European travelers.
The Barometer covers a wide range of topics, including travel budgets, preferred destinations, transportation modes, and accommodation choices. Additionally, it examines the impact of economic, social, and environmental factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and sustainability concerns, on travel behaviors.
Discover Europ Assistance’s Mobility Barometers, conducted by Ipsos, a global market research firm. Conducted among 8,000 people across 8 countries in Europe, it tracks European mobility habits.
Discover Europ Assistance Sustainable Living @Home Barometers. The survey was conducted by Adwise, a marketing consultancy firm, among 7,000 people across 7 countries in Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Spain. It studies Europeans opinion and behavious toward sustainability along with most adequate services for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Discover Europ Assistance’s Cyber Barometers
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