Legal notice and privacy

1. Definitions and general terms of use

The terms “Website” and “Site” refer to this web site as published by Europ Assistance Holding S.A.S, with registered office at 2 rue Pillet-Will 75009 Paris, France (hereinafter referred to as “Europ Assistance”) in addition to all the information and material included in the Website. Some Website sections or pages set out additional general terms and conditions, which complete these General Terms of Use. In the event of any conflict, the additional general terms and conditions shall prevail over the General Terms of Use as far as these sections or pages are concerned. This Site also includes links to other third party websites. Links to this Site may also be included in third party websites. Europ Assistance shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for the information or material found on a website linked to this Site. By creating a link to a third party website or by allowing a third party to include a link to this Website, Europ Assistance does not approve or recommend any product or service offered on the third party’s website. Europ Assistance expresses no implicit or explicit appreciation as to the accuracy and/or quality of the information which may be found, directly or indirectly, on any third party website or as far as the reliability or worthiness of this third party. The content of this Website is subject to amendments. Some of the products and services are not available in all geographical areas. Subscription to a product or service may be subject to the approval of Europ Assistance or its subsidiary or related entity concerned.

The persons who access, visit or use this Website must ensure that the law of their own country authorizes them to access the information or must refrain from accessing, visiting and/or using the Website.

2. Website content and material

Offers are only made and may only be taken into consideration if they are legal and authorized under the applicable law. Furthermore, service offers are restricted to the countries or jurisdictions which are explicitly mentioned on the Website and may not be taken into consideration by persons visiting, accessing or using the Website from another country or jurisdiction.

The information and material contained in this Website are not intended to provide advice or recommendations. Europ Assistance makes appropriate effort to verify and update the information and material on this Website on a regular basis and assess the credibility and trustworthiness of their sources. As a result, the information and material displayed in this Website is subject to modification.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Europ Assistance cannot guarantee in any way whatsoever that the information and material included or referred to in this Website is accurate, relevant, complete, up-to-date or appropriate and does not provide any guarantees with regard to the credibility or trustworthiness of its sources.

3. Intellectual property

The information and material contained in this Website are protected by intellectual property rights, held by Europ Assistance or used with the authorization of the right holders. All intellectual and industrial property rights of any nature, including in particular exploitation rights, reproduction and extraction rights on any medium, of all or part of the data, files and all elements appearing in the web pages of this site, as well as representation rights and reproduction rights on any medium, of all or part of the site itself, modification, adaptation or translation rights, are reserved exclusively to Europ Assistance and its possible third parties licensors. This information and material may be consulted and printed solely for your strictly personal use, in compliance with the intellectual property rights of Europ Assistance and its partners and provided that you do not delete any copyright or other legal notice which they contain. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, copy, download, distribute or transmit in any way the content available on the website, or to use it commercially or publicly. You agree not to transmit, reproduce or sell this information and material in any form or manner whatsoever without the explicit, written and prior approval of Europ Assistance. It is also strictly forbidden to create a deep link to this Site without the express and written authorization of Europ Assistance. Apart from the exceptions providedat article L. 122- 5. 2° and 3°a of the French Intellectual Property Code (concerning “copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the person copying and not intended for collective use” and “analyses and short quotations to provide an example and illustration .on condition that the name of the author and the source are clearly stated”), any complete or partial representation or reproduction made without the consent of the author or its rightful owners or legal successors is illegal (art. L. 122-4 of French Intellectual Property Code) and therefore strictly prohibited. Such representation or reproduction, by any technique or process whatsoever would constitute an infringement punishable under articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the intellectual property code.

4. Trademarks

Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks (whether registered or unregistered)and logos used in this Website are the property of Europ Assistance or its partners. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos made from the elements of the site without the express authorization of Europ Assistance is prohibited, within the meaning of articles L.713-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

5. Confidentiality - Privacy

Europ Assistance acts as data controller of all personal data collected via this Website. As a visitor or user of the website, you are informed that Europ Assistance processes your personal data for the following purposes: managing the activity of Europ Assistance, managing contractual relationships, preventing irregularities and fraud, creating statistics and tests or direct marketing for products and services promoted by Europ Assistance.


The legal basis used by Europ Assistance to implement the data processing are the following:  compliance with a legal obligation or legitimate interests pursued by Europ Assistance in order to manage its activity and website, and to promote its products and services.


Europ Assistance only shares  information obtained through its website with its affiliates and its service providers in relation to the management of its activity and website.

In certain cases and for the management of its activity with its affiliates EUROP ASSISTANCE may transfer your personal information to third parties which are located outside of the European Economic Area, which may not have an adequate level of protection as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).

Europ Assistance entered into contractual measures based on the European Commission model clauses with the data recipients located outside the European Economic Area to ensure that all personal data transferred receive an adequate level of data protection within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and that appropriate technical and organizational security measures are in place to protect personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other unlawful forms of processing.


Personal data will not be retained for a longer period than strictly necessary to comply with applicable data retention obligations or in order to fulfill regulatory requirements.


You are entitled to exercise your rights :right of access, right of rectification, right of erasure (or “right to be forgotten”), right of restriction of processing, right to object to processing and right to data portability as well as a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

To exercise such rights, or to notify a personal data breach you shall contact the Data Protection Officer at the following email address:

6. Databases

In accordance with the applicable regulations and in particular the law n° 98-536 of 1 July 1998 transposing directive 96/9 CE of 11 March 1996, Europ Assistance is the producer and owner of all or part of the databases comprising this Website.
By accessing this Website, you acknowledge that the information contained in the databases and its organization is legally protected, and that you are forbidden from extracting, reusing making available to the public, storing, reproducing, ,copying or keeping, directly or indirectly, on any type of medium whatsoever, by any means and in any form whatsoever all, or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part, of the content of the databases appearing on the website in addition to the repeated and systematic extraction or reuse of insubstantial parts, qualitatively or quantitatively, of the contents of the database when such operations manifestly go beyond the conditions of normal use of the database.

7. Limitation of liability

Europ Assistance is only bound to act with diligence in respect with the information made available on the Website. All the information is provided for general information only and is intended to complete users’ knowledge. In particular, information relating to health matters shall – under no circumstances – replace personal advice provided by a doctor. Europ Assistance shall not be held liable for any interpretation by a user of the information included in the Website, nor the consequences of its use. Europ Assistance, its administrators, employees and its agents or correspondents shall under no circumstances be held liable, on any grounds whatsoever, contractual or otherwise, for any damage you may suffer after accessing, visiting or using this Website, barring cases of fraud or serious misconduct on their part. Europ Assistance shall not be held liable for the consequences of errors, omissions or for the results or decisions which might be obtained or made by the use of the information included in the Website. Users are solely liable for the use they make of the information provided herein.

Privacy notice update: October 2023