News about


October 26, 2023
Europ Assistance’s commitment to promote awareness and support employees affected by cancer…
August 30, 2023
In 2021, Europ Assistance joined forces with the French Red Cross to support the COVID vaccination campaign, during which our teams vaccinated more than 125,000…
June 4, 2021
À compter du 7 juin et pour 12 semaines, Europ Assistance et Generali prennent en charge 6 lignes de vaccination au sein du très grand…
July 7, 2020
As the pandemic continues to test the wills and skills of our medical staff around the world, we talked with two doctors – Dr. Miguel…
May 25, 2020
An interview with Dr. Matthias Karrer, medical director of Europ Assistance Austria and an anesthesiologist and intensive care physician.…
May 20, 2020
Aider et porter secours aux personnes, c’est l’ADN d’Europ Assistance. La récente pandémie a mis notre savoir-faire à l’épreuve, mais elle nous a aussi offert…
May 18, 2020
Caring for others is built into our DNA. The recent pandemic has tested our strength, but it has also given us new opportunities to take…
April 24, 2020
Europ Assistance has undertaken a number of commitments to support the most vulnerable in society throughout the COVID-19 emergency.…
April 23, 2020
Europ Assistance Group together with Generali China Insurance has launched a dedicated support service to Chinese doctors who are contributing to the vital emergency medical…
Media Relations
Europ Assistance
11-17 avenue François Mitterrand
93200 Saint-Denis
Discover our business lines
Travel 360X150 Label

For over 60 years, Europ Assistance has been dedicated to supporting travelers around the world, providing peace of mind and exceptional care for both people and their belongings, wherever their journeys may take them.

Mobility 360X150 Label

You move, We care: from roadside assistance to mobility services. With services ranging from emergency assistance to recurring care of the vehicle lifecycle and customer mobility, Europ Assistance brings high value for motorists and people on the move delivering digitally powered and innovation driven mobility solutions

Personal Lines
Mobility 360X150 Label-1

The world is changing rapidly, so as our needs for Care.. Personal Lines, we bring together the best of technology and human care to improve your daily life. Making of your Home more convenient and sustainable, protect you online activities, improve your Health and wellness, take care of the elderly and bring a bit of magic to your life with Lifestyle and Concierge services
